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I was an only child with a lot of solitude.
He has had more than enough time for solitude, she thought.
He'd had his moment of solitude and was ready to get under way.
For years he had wanted only solitude and his research.
Summer had always been the time when she wanted solitude.
Keep a solitude in your heart even when you love him best.
And solitude was something I very much wanted, at least for a little.
But I am a man who has always needed solitude.
She had many hours of solitude to think about these things.
There were, many years of solitude to be made up for.
After a night's solitude they were always ready to begin again.
What he had of solitude felt good, though, after so long.
We wanted to share a home, and not a solitude.
It might be the last such solitude she would see for the next several weeks.
For the last few years, he'd been taking a week in solitude, up here.
But what, in the end, is the nature of this solitude?
"This has always been a place to go to for solitude."
In his solitude it seemed to him that everyone had to be the same.
Yet I think it is likely that the best are made in solitude.
But how long could they leave him in solitude and be sure he was safe?
The solitude of the last day or so had been welcome.
Usually I went through without giving the solitude a thought.
The game goes on and it is a bit like the book called "100 years of solitude"
"Solitude in such a place must be a trial for you."
"Or did her need for solitude develop later in life?"