"somebody bought it" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "somebody bought it" in inglés

somebody bought it

  1. ktoś został zabity old-fashioned
the image to "buy" in Polish asian girl shopping bags smile
Irregular forms: bought past tense, , bought past participle,
    Where can I buy this book?
    We bought some apples and oranges.
    I didn't buy anything.
    link synonyms: get, purchase
    antonym: sell
  2. wystarczyć na zakup czegoś (suma pieniędzy) [TRANSITIVE]
    Will this money buy me a new car?
    Such money can't buy a house.
  3. dać się nabrać, kupić (np. na jakąś opowieść, zmyśloną historię) informal [TRANSITIVE]
    That's a weak excuse, but I hope they'll buy it.
    I can't believe you bought that story.
  4. kupować, przekupywać (np. urzędnika) informal [TRANSITIVE]
    He is buying the officials to get all the permits he needs to build.
    She wanted to buy the judge.
    link synonym: bribe
  1. zakup, nabytek (np. ubranie, meble) informal
    My latest buy is that chair by the window.
    I think my next buy will be a red jacket.
    link synonym: purchase
  2. zakup, dil (kupowanie, zwykle nielegalnego produktu np. marihuany) informal
    I made a good buy today.
    If you have no money, there is no buy.