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It is song-like in a sense, but comes from her youthful experience.
A more song-like second subject group uses the Bruckner rhythm.
The music was written in the smooth, song-like style of the day called cantilena.
The second movement is in ternary form with a slow and song-like melody.
Ringtones: Song-like melodies that can be heard on a wireless phone.
These were song-like, lyrical pieces, often movements in a larger composition.
When approached by a predator, males make a song-like warning cry.
He relied on folkloric elements and popular, traditional song-like verses.
The violin enters with a song-like lament, soaring above the orchestra.
Bach set it for four parts, using song-like homophony.
Variations include a song-like call, and a rapid rhythmic che-che-che.
There is a song-like quality about his verse"."
A deeply romantic and song-like, melodic movement, with the cello prominent.
His ballads were song-like in structure, and people who knew him remembered how he "tried out" each new piece by singing it aloud.
Dissonant accompaniments by the brass dominate the first part of the song-like movement.
The piece features a neo-classical song-like melody interrupted by a central contrasting section.
Black Emperor, some tracks here are more song-like in structure and the vocals definitely have a stronger presence.
When teaching the soroban, teachers give song-like instructions.
The song writing was also more defined, with the pieces on Kreidler featuring clear, pop song-like structures.
This then gives way to a slow, soft cello theme at rehearsal 11, featuring a song-like character.
He wrote many folk song-like poems on the subjects of wine, love, romantic robbers etc.
We're not religious, but as we listened to the song-like Hebrew and mourned for a stranger, we were moved.
Russell, too, loves the song-like qualities of Tarantino's dialogue.
He emphasized evenness of tone, a beautiful, song-like legato, and expressiveness.
The opening movement is song-like.