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At 29, I felt bad after a game, but the soreness left earlier.
It's all about getting up and working the soreness out.
The thinking about how to deal with the soreness has changed as well.
"I'm able to continue the next day without too much soreness."
"If you have a little soreness in your body, you're not going to do the same."
It was better; the day before, the area of soreness had started higher.
Give me until this evening to get past my soreness.
There was only soreness where it had been, but no pain.
At least the soreness caused by the activities last night seemed to be gone.
He did report soreness, although not enough to keep him from playing Wednesday.
A late start might mean soreness and pain for the rest of the football season.
If you're just starting an exercise program, soreness can come even 48 hours later.
The procedure takes about 30 minutes and will cause some soreness.
There was a little soreness on the nose, but nothing major.
There was a soreness in her spirit that seemed old, not new.
He has been bothered by soreness in it for several weeks.
No one knows for sure exactly what does cause muscle soreness.
He often sat out practice last season because of knee soreness.
I've thrown for three or four days now without any soreness, and that was the big problem.
The most common side effect is soreness at the injection site.
You may have some soreness and pain after the procedure.
"He's been through this before," Green said of the back soreness.
"There is always a great soreness and much pain," he said.
Encourage your children to tell you about any pain or soreness.
Gum soreness is also similar to having a paper cut.