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Though it may be supposed that this was a sobriquet and not his Christian name.
"We got the idea in Paris," he said of the sobriquet.
Why I've let such sobriquets perish will also become clear.
The sobriquet can be awarded to either a king or a queen.
The sobriquet also is found as part of small local merchandise and service businesses.
That sobriquet has lasted over the years, justified or not.
It was there that he won his sobriquet "the Brave."
The sobriquet "Black" likely came from the dark hue of his skin.
After today, it is time for a new sobriquet.
The original was never actually a fort, in spite of its sobriquet.
The answer was Brown, and thus was born the sobriquet.
He then indulged in the act that had been the source of his sobriquet.
The two sides now refer to each other by the wartime sobriquets.
He was a primary school teacher for some time, earning him the sobriquet "Master".
Sobriquets are often found in music, sports and politics.
That sobriquet could apply to the movie as well.
"We might be able to show why the murderer chose the sobriquet of Bishop."
More recently, some scholars have argued that the sobriquet does not refer to only one individual.
In October, Jack may finally step out from behind his sobriquet.
Many of them are small enough to merit the "thimble" sobriquet.
Was he offended by the sobriquet, or was there something else?
For most of the 20th century, it seemed the sobriquet was in decline.
This sobriquet was chosen not only for the yearbook, but also became the name by which the University came to be known.
More recently it has become a sobriquet applied solely to the city of Manchester.
"That is the sobriquet by which it is known, yes."
The real origin is to be sought in the form soubriquet.
And if any man commands the soubriquet Sir, it is he.
"Wire me everything known about man whose soubriquet is the Marquis."
I didn't believe what Rodriguez had said about the reason for that soubriquet.
Some years ago he gained the soubriquet of the "Fire King!"
This soubriquet was thereafter used by the media much to Wright's fury.
The historians would append no noble soubriquet to her name.
I could understand how he had earned the soubriquet of the Spider King.
The title of the show became her soubriquet.
In the 18th century, the town clearly lived up to its "Paris" soubriquet.
I believe premium strength lager also has the same charming soubriquet.
Contemporary evidence for the fairness of this soubriquet in the Covenanting tradition is mixed.
It is not clear if the name Rhymer was his actual surname or merely a soubriquet.
Same monarch but with a different soubriquet.
Two early variants of the term are found, sotbriquet and soubriquet; the latter form is still often used.
This led to the soubriquet Lord Wrongford from the tabloid press.
"Honest John" they called him in the neighbourhood, a soubriquet which was of service to him in many ways.
"Master of the Five Willows" seems to be a soubriquet of his own invention, which he used when quite young.
Several historians have taken the view that he was passed over because of mental deficiency; hence his soubriquet "William the Simple".
Demand for the cars and positive publicity followed, along with the affectionate soubriquet "Laubfrosch".
Stubbington House School was known by the soubriquet "the cradle of the Navy".
Chmielinski appears to have started to refer to himself by the soubriquet Casey Chaos around this time.
When Wright walked through the door, Kerr gave him the soubriquet of "King Rat".
Macintyre was a highly successful U-boat killer, a soubriquet he took as the title of his autobiography.