Check all the facts and refute them with sound evidence.
Neither of these statements had much backing in "sound scientific evidence," but people tend to believe what they want to believe.
This issue remains a subject under constant revision, with the intention of providing recommendations based on sound scientific evidence.
There is sound evidence, however, that he did not.
Mr. Jaspan replied that a court would have to evaluate each case on the basis of "sound medical evidence."
Again I urge caution and call again on sound scientific evidence.
I refer to presentations made in this House, from which wisdom based on sound scientific evidence is supposed be disseminated to the entire world.
The United States must prosecute suspects, where sound evidence exists and in accordance with the rule of law.
This vote opens the door to further aggressive marketing on food products which is not backed up by sound scientific evidence.
Mallonee says she doesn't have "any sound scientific evidence" about that.