Evacuated glazing also offers very good sound insulation in comparison with other popular types of window glazing.
Nor is the electric Phantom entirely quiet, either, in spite of the considerable sound insulation packed between the twin floors.
Air conditioner evaporator valve changed from aluminum to steel for better sound insulation.
Before launching the label, state-of-the-art recording equipment and comprehensive sound insulation had to be installed.
Extra sound insulation was used to drown out the mighty Hercules engines and earplugs provided.
It also has extra sound insulation and electronically controlled hydraulic engine mounts to minimize harshness.
It is a little noisy due to not quite world-class sound insulation evident to cost cutting.
The interior featured standard leather trim on the seats and doors, Auto climate control and extra sound insulation.
Extra sound insulation and revised structural engineering promised to make the Concorde quieter.
It would have reclining seats, dim lighting, window shades and extra sound insulation.
This primarily provides sound insulation and a vapour barrier.
In addition, plywood floors have been floated above the original floors, layered with sound insulation and then carpeted.
The main studio room was fitted with sound insulation and measured about sixty square feet.
A large proportion of the M3's sound insulation has been removed, as have the power windows, electric seats, and navigation systems.
Between these tubes, there is sound insulation.
RL also gets minor styling changes and more sound insulation.
Chevy also added more sound insulation and revised body and transmission mounts.
They are used in auditoriums, halls, seminar rooms, libraries, courts and wherever sound insulation is needed.
On top of that is a grid of boards, stuffed with sound insulation.
A large proportion of the M3's sound insulation has been removed, along with electric seats and navigation systems.