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The story of my life for the past few weeks, he thought sourly.
As if I understand any of this, he thought sourly.
Live with what you cannot change, she told herself sourly.
"All Americans like to think they are different," the man said sourly.
You're doing a good enough job of that just being here, he thought sourly to himself.
But then, she thought sourly, how could he have found her?
Well, at least it would get me out into the air, I thought sourly.
Maybe she thinks I can read her mind, he thought sourly.
You look like a man who does things himself, if ever I saw one,' she added sourly.
Then he went sourly back to his seat near the fire.
Memory is the first thing to go, he told himself sourly.
And it's not like I have anything to lose, he thought sourly.
She smiled sourly, but made no move to stop him.
Which was probably a relief for him, she thought sourly.
He turned and looked back in at her, smiling sourly.
Then he turned back, smiling sourly at the four people.
It came out a little more sourly than I intended.
What she really wanted to control, Kirk thought sourly, was him.
It's been an unusual sort of morning, he thought sourly to himself.
No one is dead yet, he told himself sourly, not a shot has been fired.
"Well, right now we need a place for the night," I said sourly.
Nice when your friends show faith in you, Peter thought sourly.
That would solve a couple of problems, he told himself sourly.
"Or so your mother led you to believe," he said sourly.
He added sourly, "If the changes are necessary in the first place."