Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We wanted to make sure you knew of a special offer.
But it is not worth waiting several months for the right special offer to come up.
But as a special offer to our readers, we've got 100 to give away for free.
Apply today to make the most of this special offer.
The company already has nearly 1,000 special offers in its 334 stores.
See page 112 for details of a special offer to readers.
So there is a special offer, though, that they're making for our listeners.
This technology is increasingly being used for everything from special offers to product information.
A special offering would be taken during the morning and evening services, starting next Sunday.
You should make it clear when any special offers expire.
Or head to the gym's Web site to research special offers.
Buying the game through Origin comes with two special offers.
It's a very competitive market at the moment, with lots of special offers around.
I was pleased with the masks: they'd been on special offer.
Quantities are limited, so take advantage of this special offer today.
The system enables special offer texts to be sent to the phone.
The market is therefore responding very rapidly with special offers.
Do sign up for their e-mails, as they have special offers which are well worth it.
Only if it's got a special offer in it!
Make an interesting comment (to do with cost savings, a special offer or something similar).
Even more special offers are expected for fall, traditionally a slow travel season.
A special offer can be more useful when available at a chain of hotels.
As a result of the special offers, circulation rose sharply.
Announce free or special offers in your direct response pieces.
Current subscribers will get a special offer for continuing under the new arrangement.