Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Can you help us, I mean, from your own specialized knowledge?
They needed men with specialized knowledge in that last campaign.
"And you do this without any specialized knowledge at all."
What specialized knowledge or talents can you bring to a business?
It would only have required someone with the specialized knowledge teaching her.
It's very difficult to understand what you might call specialized knowledge."
Or perhaps they want our - er - specialized knowledge.
Often these people were former Pentagon officials hired by him for their specialized knowledge.
But employees with specialized knowledge are in demand, here and abroad, he said.
Analysts often have a network of experts they can call on for specialized knowledge.
With his specialized knowledge, he shows her how to avoid paying a great deal of taxes.
They have steady foundation, wide, specialized knowledge and high quality.
"Just what specialized knowledge do you have in mind?"
These western experts were invited to come to Japan to share their specialized knowledge.
Generally speaking, a family practitioner does not have the highly specialized knowledge needed.
The solution to each question put to him, she knew, required no specialized knowledge beyond that which he already possessed.
Their aim is to appeal to both a broad general public, as well those with specialized knowledge.
The commission comprised seven men with specialized knowledge in a profession or field of industry.
When this man died, a universe of specialized knowledge would be extinguished.
They master the elementary theory of computer science and steady specialized knowledge.
In order to acquire all above mentioned, combination of specialized knowledge is necessary.
It is aggressive, complex, requires specialized knowledge and can be very high tech.
To do that would have required a specialized knowledge that was beyond their means.
And it loves to show off its specialized knowledge.
What she found was that she learned a great deal from the specialized knowledge of the animals.