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There are specimen letters available, from, which may help you get new/renewed membership for Specialised Groups.
So enquiry and inspection of a property must always be made-see specimen letter to the client.
I cannot find any specimen letters of formal resignation nor indeed any articles on the matter setting out considerations to be borne in mind.
As a result of these problems, it is our preferred policy to use the specimen letter set out below as an alternative to confidentiality letters generated by clients' Solicitors.
Assuming the latter to be the case, a specimen letter of resignation might read as follows: The Directors XYZ Limited (Registered Office)
"Very well, then, I've accepted it, and what's more I'm going to draft a specimen letter that will go to your Highland grandee, and Claybody and the American."
The Institute has warned auditors who carry out circulation audits that the specimen letter of engagement the Audit Bureau of Circulations issued to its members in November last year is not in a form agreed by the Institute.