Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The success of the movie has had other spillover effects as well.
It has had a positive spillover effect on the stock market.
For more evidence of the spillover effect, look at Chinatown.
After all, just about everything people do in society has spillover effects, many of them unwanted.
There is a similar spillover effect from the securities firms themselves.
"Maybe we're seeing a spillover effect on the Island to what has become, unfortunately, more common in city schools," he said.
So the spillover effects of self-protection can be either good or bad.
But, he added, "the spillover effects are going to take an enormous amount of time."
"He was concerned there might be a spillover effect."
But the latest "no" vote by a rich country could have a spillover effect on the poorer countries.
The newfound interest in homes here is beginning to have a spillover effect on other aspects of life.
Subsidies create spillover effects in other economic sectors and industries.
"But the question is what the spillover effect is outside the Beltway."
This will have more than 100, so that will create a spillover effect."
But Darfur's spillover effect has only grown in recent months.
Yet, he added during an interview in his office here, "We had this notion of a spillover effect that didn't happen."
In an increasingly integrated region this has had a mild spillover effect."
The term "spillover effects" when used in Media refers to the reinforcement of a conflict.
And there is a spillover effect on Long Island.
Those aids, for which substantial Federal funds are available, have a spillover effect for the other students.
Suddenly, the spillover effect from Cone's no-hit performance had dried up.
"We continue to hope that as the city becomes more attractive to retailers, it will have a spillover effect on the downtown," he said.
When one of these problems is present in a state, it is likely to cause transnational "spillover effects".
Estimates of spillover effects are uncertain (Barker et al., 2007).
Foreign authorities are being asked to take similar steps to try to avert cash problems that could have a spillover effect on markets.