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She spun a tale for him and he believed her, the old fool.
He could really spin a tale, as they say.
The author himself knows how to spin a tale.
Real events become reel events when Hollywood spins a tale from a true story.
Any woman might spin a tale as easily as thread."
He asks where she has been and she spins a tale much different from the actual events that took place.
Although that probably says more about your brain-power than my ability to spin a tale, I choose to be flattered.
Sometimes they're marketing for profit, other times they're just spinning a tale (Washington and his cherry tree).
Weave a story, spin a tale.
He arrives at the farm spinning a tale of woe, presenting himself as a successful businessman who has fallen on hard times.
In lushly evocative prose, Lewis spins a tale rich with menace and foreboding.
Horstmann had spun a tale that might have been true and Brother Leo had wanted to believe it.
For instance, the 2009 documentary Cat Ladies spins a tale of four spinsters whose lives have become dedicated to their cats.
Jeremy gave his name and the hospital's, spun a tale about a biomechanical engineering convention, wanting to invite Levy.
Knowing this means she wants a story, the mentor begins to spin a tale, but as a mentor, this one, while entertaining, is also educational.
"Well, he can spin a tale as well as the ' of us," he said.
Mike spins a tale that he has arranged a meeting with O'Connor for Jim and his partners, who are dubious but accept.
Over a toe-tapping shuffle, Ms. Anderson spun a tale of good fortune and bad behavior, advancing the story with spoken interludes.
The Chinese-born author spins a tale of bravery and nobility in an American system built on risk and mutual exploitation.
Chapter 9 Anderson Spins a Tale Bobbi was getting off the couch slowly, wincing, like an old woman.
A group of them sprawled comfortably on deck, spooning up seafood stew and listening as Fyodor spun a tale from his homeland.
He is a "hard core" theoretical physicist, so he isn't just spinning a tale, but he admits up front that the book is speculation.
Last year she made the gig a little less arduous by interviewing herself - as well as spinning a tale about being attacked by a kangaroo.
From this premise, Mr. Gilroy spins a tale about hype and hypocrisy, power and corruption.
She had heard his story before, but Bruenor could spin a tale as well as any, and she leaned forward in her chair, mesmerized once again.
He also wonders if they are pretty good at spinning a story.
We are spinning a story of what it is to grow up."
Ariel, a wonderful big sister, spins a story to pass the time.
The media didn't plant a couple idiots into the crowd just to spin a story, did they?
I attempt to weave in the words and spin a story or picture or feeling.
Around this strong material, he and Leonard have spun a story of the brain that is not unintelligent.
He'd gone to Kimpton and spun a story about feeling sick.
"Still, how many leaders of Stone Age tribes could spin a story like that?
Michael then gets a call from Gob saying he needs Jessie to spin a story for him.
They reach the shelter just in time, and while they wait out the storm, Roland spins a story to keep them occupied.
He spins a story of aspirations he has, but Ray can see right away that he's not trustworthy and his stories don't hold together.
He means to caricature and tweak recognizable individuals while spinning a story that moves jauntily under its own steam.
One theme of the opposition shareholders is that Time Warner's current leadership is better at spinning a story than running a company.
Just empathy--j Tom's ability to spin a story.
Chance and Simon spin a story about meeting in a mental institution, which makes Rory uncomfortable enough to stop crying and to leave.
She watched in stunned silence as the video began to spin a story of the training of the perfectnitara .
A wealthy man in the record industry has retained him, spinning a story about being stalked by a seven-foot-tall, green-eyed, scythe-wielding monster.
'No,' he said, his urge to spin a story obviously triumphing over his professional instincts towards surliness.
She quickly spun a story about them needing the money since Jack wasn't working full-time and begged him to keep her job a secret from Jack.
Carrying the book, he returned to the Chesterfield on which Cathy sat, and settled there to spin a story peppered with a little of the truth.
"The Consort" spins a story of society-climbing reminiscent of "All About Eve."
Con artists are contacting people (I have several friends with this story), spinning a story that they've noticed a problem with their computer or somesuch.
She was taken in by one of the town's founders, Giuseppe Salvatore, having spun a story about being orphaned by a fire that killed her family.
"Surely the Prime Designate of the Ildiran Empire can spin a story as well as anyone else?"
Later, Ben Slade's son spins a story about his horses was stolen by Cochise's Apaches.
I'll say this for the old boy: he could spin a yarn!
He can spin a yarn once he's tipped back a few!
He could spin a yarn with the best of them."
He was also an engaging man who, friends said, could spin a yarn like nobody else.
His career in this line did not long survive, as he felt spinning a yarn achieved very little.
That boy could have been spinning a yarn, made it all up for effect.'
He may not be an original writer, but he does know how to spin a yarn.
He could spin a yarn, and you had to take what he said with a pinch of salt.
You came in here to-night to spin a yarn.
Often it is the case that they either don't know the facts or they have been spun a yarn by social workers.
Angus then spins a yarn of two local boys, one with a knack for farming and the other skilled at drawing.
Give the man a beat and a keyboard, and he'll spin a yarn, the likes of which you've never heard."
Let's spin a yarn on this yawl, y'all.
It's message, sadly, never loses its relevance, and few have ever equalled his ability to spin a yarn, or to create such memorable characters.
I've got to spin a yarn about the guy who's topnotch in the spook dodge, and I can't find a line on him."
Lara suspected he was spinning a yarn, but before she could express her doubts, he pulled into the parking lot of a tavern.
Brota spun a yarn of stomach cramps and a hurried trip to the healers.
Still, Mr. Carney, whose wonderfully resonant voice is a pleasure to listen to, certainly knows how to spin a yarn.
He thought that Theda was spinning a yarn to cover the botch that she had made of her first interview with Larry.
Cf. phrases like 'to spin a yarn', 'to reel off a tale'.
Spinning a Yarn - a newly written musical work about the Industrial Revolution in the North West.
"This association is was more than wordplay," she said, "Think of how we say 'spinning a yarn' or 'unraveling a mystery.' "
I mean, a homicide detective sort of crosses social lines, and the average host or hostess enjoys a detective or two around to spin a yarn.
The Compton woman and that rat Leatherbee come in here and spin a yarn, and you bow them out.
Originally a sailors' expression, 'to spin a yarn', in reference to stories told while performing mundane tasks such as spinning yarn.