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The people in them did not waste themselves so spinelessly.
The Democrats also have acted spinelessly, giving statehood little more than token support.
Then his film parted and spooled spinelessly out of his camera.
I warned you there would be trouble, but you spinelessly let him take the crown."
I sagged rather spinelessly against the desk.
At his players, for submitting so spinelessly in the first half and conceding a two-goal deficit.
Heartbroken and furious that his son could have acted so spinelessly, the Kingpin sunk into a spell of depression.
The Met have decided otherwise and the tate Modern have spinelessly gone along with it by not standing their ground.
"I've no idea," he said, spinelessly.
When it comes to fear of war or local problems, like the fear of being mugged, you don't have to sit back spinelessly and let it happen.
Given the tendency of Democrats to cave in and spinelessly agree to most of what this administration proposes, I can see where the Bush people get this idea.
Yet, better to go mad with this tangible, positive purpose, than with the intangible, negative one of waiting spinelessly for death from the lowering monster who now owned the heavens.
Losing was one thing but to lose as spinelessly as the Welsh XV did to Bridgend on Saturday was to add insult to severely injured pride.
It went on, and on, and on, as Lucrezia writhed on the floor, thrashing spinelessly, her thrashing as horrible as the scream.
After 7 . . . Bb4, 8 e4, Black cannot spinelessly retreat with 8 . . . Bg6?!
But it is hard to yield spinelessly to him; so very hard, remembering her own father and her home, to cringe before the High Elder, flush with his new ascenðdancy.
She knew he loved the old place, but he was entitled to see the world and to make his own place in it-not merely to slide spinelessly into the niche that another had prepared for him.
I recall seeing him at a New York University faculty meeting in the stormy spring of 1970, valiantly and articulately - but fruitlessly - opposing what he considered spinelessly opportunistic capitulation to student political agitation.