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I thought about using one of the fake spit curls for a goatee, but decided against it.
The horns of one adult circled almost completely around his ears, like enormous spit curls.
He has a square jaw, blue eyes and wears spit curls and a ponytail.
Behind the desk sat a most attractive brunet with spit curls silhouetted against her forehead.
In contrast, Hardy's thinning hair was pasted on his forehead in spit curls and he wore a toothbrush moustache.
Maggie Gyllenhaal's spit curls and drop-waisted Lanvin dress hinted at a similar sultriness.
Henry looks out upon the roiling sea of powdered wigs and romantic spit curls, the tightly trousered leg chafing against the stolid knickered one.
Yet, as with so many actresses, there was something disjointed about Ms. Deschanel's rather cool dress and her N.F.L. cheerleader hairdo (complete with little spit curls).
In earlier films, she was consistently a cat, but Natwick made Flip's new girlfriend, Fifi, a human who shared distinct similarities with Betty (even down to her spit curls).
It infuses Lyd's time-defying rouged cheeks and dyed hair, still frozen in a flapper's spit curls, and Emily's small, hopeful attempts at changing the décor in her parents' house.
Another Hungarian emigre to Paris, Brassai, learned from Kertesz but took a less-benign approach, seizing on amateur and professional vamps and making the most of their spit curls, dark lipstick and often bizarrely plucked eyebrows.
Bangs, spit curls, ringlets and Pre-Raphaelite waves all vied for attention with giddy toppers, some wreathed in leaves and feathers, others trimmed with wide bands of silk or patterned with an elephantine houndstooth design.
I peered down at her, noting with interest that the spit curls on her cheeks had been jarred loose by her hurry and agitation and one of them was straightening out, contrasting oddly with the rest of her shingled bob.