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This was due to succeed if East held the heart ace and any spot card.
Before making a routine return of the heart ten, East examined the spot cards carefully.
The last of the three spot cards appears on our right leaving one outstanding heart, the queen.
At this point it might seem that South was on the road to success, thanks to the arrangement of the spot cards in diamonds.
In other words, it succeeds if West holds either honor or at least three spot cards.
No system can take account of smaller spot cards, but the play will sometimes hinge on such a card.
In such situations the declarer should attempt to play a higher spot card than the one led.
This demonstrates the importance of middle spot cards when two long suits are competing against each other.
The spot card lead may give declarer a trick that she can't get if the fourth best is led.
Which spot card should immediately attract your attention?
Major casinos now use the technology to spot card counters at blackjack tables.
The lead of a high spot card from a suit that contains no honor card.
East won with the ace and returned the four, allowing South to judge the 5-3 split by inspecting the spot cards.
Some spot cards are totally unimportant, and can be squandered by a defender without risk.
It often happens that an apparently trivial spot card assumes crucial importance in the late stages of the play.
Remarkably, the deal had not produced any duplicated spot cards to alert the players that something was wrong with the deck.
The diamond spot cards proved to be crucial.
He gets rid of the card because it doesn't matter how many, he can do it with just four spot cards.
The middle spot cards would decide.
He shows both of them and expects to see the face card, but is relieved to see that both are spot cards.
This is one of the rarest situations in the game, and it was remarkable here for the low rank of the spot cards involved.
On the diagramed deal Becker, as South, brought home a part-score by careful attention to the spot cards.
He concluded that his partner held that crucial spot card and returned the heart deuce, expecting South to play the king.
He carefully played low from the dummy, saving all the valuable intermediate spot cards, and won with the ace when East contributed the deuce.
South held up his ace until the third round, and inferred from the opposing spot cards that the missing spades were evenly divided.