A black hole could be the power source instead of a star in order to increase energy to matter conversion efficiency.
This restriction was caused by the low conversion efficiency of thermoelectric materials at that time.
While the ovoid's thermal conversion efficiency has been enhanced by a factor of five.
The conversion efficiency can be rather low due to elutriation of carbonaceous material.
Expressed as a percentage, this is known as the solar conversion efficiency.
Typical conversion efficiencies for various converters are shown in table 5.18.
Because once companies increase their conversion efficiency, they'll probably be willing to pay 400% more than they pay now for the right words.
Although sunlight is free, solar panels cost a lot of money to make and have only a 10-20% conversion efficiency.
This field helps to stabilize the arc and improve overall conversion efficiency.
In the process I am talking about, the effective conversion efficiency approaches 100 percent.