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He didn't look behind him but strode springily across the garden.
He bounced springily up and down on his toes once or twice, then moved to the table where the radio stood.
Time had grizzled the dark hair and furrowed the lean face, but he still walked springily.
The foot, instead of lifting springily, dragged; her muscles almost refused to carry the weight.
The hair on her round head was light-brown, lustrous, falling springily to the wide shoulders.
He walked springily across the rug and stood in front of Pete Anglich.
Across the arena the crowd-sound changed in note as Dominic landed springily and walked forward.
He had distributed his weight on two branches, but he could feel both of them bending springily beneath him.
Some dance springily, some glide softly, some move with grave dignity.
She walked springily beside him.
Boise stepped springily, tossing his head, his eyes ablaze with ardor for the race.
She walked blithely and springily.
Rachel Berman captures the lyrical curves of the Humphrey style, though somewhat springily.
Its hundred legs in disarray, it slid down springily to the floor, showing Chup as it bent the hundred branching slivers of its whiplike tail.
The little chief of police came in springily, with his hat on the back of his head and his hands in the pockets of a thin dank overcoat.
The Mouser, inwardly leaping at the chance to glimpse the sky again, if only by chilly night, rose springily too from his chair and called out, "Ho, Prince Gwaay!
The dragon lizard padded towards us, slapping its feet down aggressively, first its front left and back right, then vice versa, carrying its great weight easily and springily, with the swinging, purposeful gait of a bully.
Jacoby straightened, bouncing springily, and shot Willie Garvin a hard grin as he snapped, 'Slow, Maude, slow I God, you don't expect a villain to send you a postcard, do you?'
He ran cleanly, evenly, and springily; the tailless leader not five yards behind him; and the Pack tailing out over perhaps a quarter of a mile of ground, crazy and blind with the rage of slaughter.
There are also a couple of moments - one when Mrs. Robinson kicks off a shoe; another when she leaps springily into bed - when Ms. Turner exudes a delighted, sprightly energy that make you realize she may be enjoying herself.
He was not muscled like a gladiator, but his bearing was springily erect, his belly hard and flat, his shoulders were wide, his hips were narrow, and his skin was tanned to a smooth and even richness of brown.
Each was featureless and blank, each was lighted by the same eerie, bluish light, each was paved with a material which, although stone-hard to the hypermen, yielded springily, as yields a soft peat bog, under the feet of the massive Terrestrials.