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Let the sprog use that, and spend the money you save taking him out more.
I can't imagine what's come over the silly little sprog.
Finally the sprog paid up and left with his purchase slung under one arm.
I didn't ask for this sprog sergeant you've dumped on me.
In practice, it is impossible to do more than complain loudly to one's misbehaving sprog.
Haven't even met the sprog, but had to say yes all the same, otherwise my brother, Marcus, would never have heard the end of it."
After it's over, you can send the sprog and his mother wherever you want, even Rome."
Probably a junior analyst or a recruitment sprog.
Of course, I was only a little sprog last time I was here.
That pansy-faced sprog officer had looked at him like he was offering dirty postcards to a bishop.
Otherwise, I've got to wait to clear the queue some time day after tomorrow, you get nothing but sprog sweepers, everybody loses.
SPROG is a week long youth leadership and grassroots training program.
"Haven't you got a sprog among the Cimbri somewhere?"
'I've hardly been back since I was a sprog.'
He and his wife, Jessie, have an infant son, referred to only as "Sprog" (child) in the movie.
But why should I care enough about the birth of a daughter to a daughter to want to rush round and see the sprog at once?"
There's no reason why we can't do the sprog SS reveal - everyone has their gifts, I think.
The woman moaning about the price of nappies and having to think about having another sprog really got my goat!
The sprog muttered something inaudible.
It was a family gift, his mad Uncle Jimmy had told him when he was but a scrawny sprog.
The sprog MEM, his face white, was screaming at the frenzied hands.
For Nicola, the gymkhana is a crucial competition in which she might win enough money to enable her to keep Sprog at school.
Amazed, Nicola admits to Patrick that she had been worried about the money for Sprog.
'At least,' I said to her, 'he won't bother you any more, now he thinks you're having my sprog.
Being nobbut a sprog, I remember wondering why bassist Bruce was playing a guitar.