"sprytny" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "sprytny" in Polish


the image to "clever" in Polish
  1. clever BrE ** , smart AmE ***
    • bystry, sprytny, mądry
      "We are dealing with a clever man, Watson," said Sherlock Holmes.
      She's too smart to fall for that one.
      Okay, if you're so smart, you explain it.
      My son is very smart, I'm proud of him.
      John is a smart child.
      link synonym: witty
      consulta también: intelligent
  2. smart ***
    • sprytny, cwaniacki
      It is a smart way of making money.
      You always have smart ideas.
  3. skilful BrE , skillful AmE
    • sprytny, zręczny, wprawny (o osobie)
      My friend is a very skillful carpenter.
      Jack is a skillful tennis player.
      In a few years, you'll become skillful at cooking.
      link synonym: handy
  4. cute **
    • sprytny, cwany  AmE
      You're very cute, but you won't fool me.
  5. clever **
  6. shrewd
  7. cunning
    • zręczny, sprytny
      A cunning worker is a real asset.
  8. nifty informal
  9. canny , also: cannily
  10. neat **
  11. adroit
  12. fly ****
  13. cannie
  14. habile
  15. gumptious
  16. clever-clever
  17. enginous

Related phrases — "sprytny"

szatański (sprytny i okrutny) = fiendish
sprytnie = cleverly +11 significados