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He has also been shot at three times by the spurned.
The deal means she cannot act for a spurned wife.
What you're going to see though, is a spurned young person that was very much in love.
You don’t want to come off as a spurned candidate, he says.
And you tell me he was cut down by a spurned lover?
I was being selfish, playing the spurned woman and only thinking of myself.
As the game wore on, so did those spurned opportunities.
Sylvia didn't know which, only that the other spurned company.
It all came to a head one day when a spurned boyfriend broke into her house.
Even the anger of a spurned heart had held mercy in it.
Even today, she wears the mantle of the spurned woman.
Or is she a spurned woman who's getting even?
The spirit of the spurned woman, local residents say, has haunted the house ever since.
But second, too many spurned opportunities can start to look fateful.
The spurned letter means the time for self-delusion is over.
"And there isn't anyone who hasn't been moved by the drama of the spurned husband," he added.
He's like a spurned lover, trying to make you jealous.
And all of it seen through the eyes of the spurned wife.
More than half of the spurned students (951) ended up accepting a spot on the wait list.
Of the three spurned cities, Baltimore is the most deserving.
The case is not the first time a spurned lover has used photographs for revenge.
The spurned mistress died and the other passengers were injured, the reports said.
Once the spurned upstart, television has become a prestigious player.
But more alarming than the Tories' new friends are the spurned old ones.
And, as every spurned lover knows, it can all come crashing down in an instant.