Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Instead, for the first half hour the committee members squabbled.
They squabbled a bit, as people sometimes do at parties.
The two organizations have squabbled before over much the same problem.
Let him lose sleep while they squabbled over his head.
I walked away before we squabbled in front of the troops.
But the young ones were a joy, even when they squabbled.
They squabbled, but eventually saw no harm in the idea.
Since the report came out,the federal agency and the state have squabbled over approval of the plan.
Instead, the two men squabbled mainly over questions of control and personality.
Three well built children squabbled for plates and one was broken.
"I win not be squabbled over like a bone among dogs!"
They squabbled over who got to use the potty first.
Senators have squabbled for two weeks over the language of a resolution.
And they have squabbled over whether their elder daughter should take ballet.
Even this had been something her people had squabbled over.
Your son was a brother to me, and we squabbled like brothers."
They squabbled briefly over who would call the baby sitter.
The candidates also squabbled over who had hired more Latinos.
They squabbled over space on the window sill, though none would come inside.
The children squabbled and he kicked them gently with his toe.
But the House squabbled over two different regulatory plans, and ultimately neither passed.
She remembered from her childhood days players who squabbled about every fork in the road.
She had seen it often enough when her brothers had squabbled.
And some families have even squabbled over how to memorialize the victims.
Squabbling children in the back seat can also be a dangerous distraction to a driver.