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Vehicles that are used mainly or wholly as stage carriages.
Stage carriage services are operated to a published timetable.
The stagecoach was also called a stage or stage carriage.
It diversified into stage carriage services in 1921.
A total of 150 production cars were built and were described as the finest short stage carriage vehicles in Europe.
It operates both contract hire and stage carriage services with a fleet of modern and heritage vehicles.
In return a motley collection of second-hand vehicles came to Yelloway to operate the stage carriage services.
The 'stage carriage bus service', or public omnibus, is the service usually referred to when rural transport is under discussion.
The company expanded in to the coach hire, day excursion and holiday business, as well as picking up council tenders to operate stage carriage services.
The scene conveys the unfeeling arrogance of the nobility more dramatically than a stage carriage clumsily bumping into a child.
Most recently the White Paper 'Buses'(Cmmd 9300, 1984) has proposed the complete abolition of road service licences thereby allowing open competition on stage carriage services.
It then moved into wholly commercial stage carriage services, starting with running its buses in service to and from the Bingham schools to avoid dead mileages on school contracts.
The L3/L30 Liverpool, Bootle, Waterloo to Crosby stage carriage service was the most frequent in its class.
In July 2013, Halifax Joint Committee withdrew from all their school & college contracts which led to the withdrawal of their final stage carriage route 392.
The United Kingdom Stage Carriage Act 1832 first introduced the offense of endangering the safety of a passenger or person by 'furious driving'.
London Transport adhered very strictly to annual inspection of cars and overhaul as necessary, ready for relicensing as Metropolitan Stage Carriages.
The final transfer was to Stagecoach Cirencester where allover aircraft blue was applied for contract work, although 204 was also often to be found on stage carriage services.
Silcox and Son concentrated on car sales, repairs and service while Silcox Motor Coach Company took over all the coaching and stage carriage services.
Tiny, ramshackle huts present themselves as "Marriage Palaces" and rickety buses that cannot write "Stage Carriage" on their sides inscribe "Semi-Deluxe."
In July 2008 McGill's purchased the stage carriage routes and goodwill of four routes centred on Greenock which had previously been run by Slaemuir Coaches.
April - Welsh Assembly Government concessionary travel scheme ('Cerdyn Cymru') entitles over-60s and registered disabled people to uniform free off-peak travel on all stage carriage bus services.
It operated a fleet of vehicles on private hire work, school contracts, stage carriage bus services and rail replacement services, and was based in Alton, with a second depot in Staines.
In October 1986, following deregulation, Yelloway registered several stage carriage services in the Greater Manchester area and won contracts from the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive.
It ran on a somewhat peculiar 80-minute frequency. 515 Glasgow - Whitley Bay This fascinating long-distance stage carriage service, operated jointly with United, ran right through the heart of Central's operating area.
In 1967 Wilder bought out Tourist Bus Service which had one vehicle and a stage carriage licence for route 601 between Feltham station and East Bedfont, which it had operated since 1955.