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He did it by another faked death; this time, his own!
It is the story of Champagne's life after his faked death.
In some cases it might be because the person has intentionally faked death.
He had not even been born until a year after Thurr's faked death.
He was hungry to learn how everything had changed since his faked death and exile among the thinking machines.
That good-for-nothing con man has faked death to get away from me before.
It wasn't necessary to display a scene of faked death to make Bron worry.
From what you've told me, the faked death won't fool any experienced Polish police investigator for longer than two minutes.
The following year, she divorced him after his continued lies about his faked death.
Perhaps the best-known case of a faked death.
Police have assigned a detective to the case, and the idea of a faked death is "certainly an avenue we're exploring," Bernstein said.
A faked death, also called a pseudocide, is a case in which an individual leaves evidence to suggest that they are dead to mislead others.
But, there is not sufficient evidence to prove or falsify Valera's faked death.
Jacqueline and Donald also returned following Donald's faked death at the end of the last series.
He could therefore, theoretically at least, call on powerful friends, with all of the means at their disposal to organize a faked death.
It was carrying away Dagbar, the man who had faked death as Owen's double.
Nick reappears in Albert Square seven-months after his faked death.
A 23-year-old man who said he survived the massacre told reporters he faked death after being stabbed in the stomach.
Taiwan man charged with murder over 'faked death'
That's why some one went to Lengood Manor and faked death from cholera.
For some, in recent years rumors of his faked death were especially aided by the website,
Lucy is upset that Charlie has killed Nathan, as she can no longer collect the insurance money on her own faked death.
She told police she deliberately faked death.
Goddard had stated that he was very impressed with the soap opera's ability to keep Cane's faked death a secret.
Such rituals often involve a participant who undergoes a staged death and resurrection.
The buildup of anxiety due to mock execution could influence the end result of the staged death.
Was your staged death completely your idea?
The bloody, staged deaths drew a crowd and Fawcett worried about upsetting the neighbours.
(AP) - Ky. police: Census worker found hanging killed himself, staged death to look like homicide.
He convinced his brother-in-law Videsh to help him by suggesting that Savita would get money from insurance policies after his staged death.
The series explained the character's absence and staged death as a kidnapping by Cesar Faison (Hove) and Helena Cassadine (Towers).
When "60 Minutes" showed a staged death, a tape of Dr. Kevorkian administering lethal drugs to a terminally ill patient, the hard line separating news from manufactured reality all butdisappeared.
Only the heady, intricately rhymed "Vie Boheme" banquet number, which concludes the first act, and the erotically staged death of Angel really match the inventive sweep of the music.
Mr. Albarn and Ms. Abramovic are back this year with new works, based, respectively, on the Renaissance mystic John Dee and on Ms. Abramovic’s own life and staged death.
During the interview, Zmuda explained that he invested $50,000 into the book (Andy Kaufman: The Truth, Finally), and eventually stormed off the podcast after Fitzsimmons doubted Zmuda's intentions regarding Kaufman's staged death.
Just days before the election, a local television station, KTRK, broadcast a report that said questions had arisen about whether Mr. Turner might have known details about a staged death and life-insurance swindle involving a law client of his.
I've been jolted half out of my seat by competently paced action movies I didn't even like, cried real tears at the skillfully staged deaths of characters I didn't believe in, felt my toes tapping to the infectious rock 'n' roll behind a sadistic scene of torture.
In the novel's present, Roz, Charis, and Tony each individually confront Zenia in a Toronto hotel room, where she tells each of them that the men they'd been with got what they deserved, and gives various versions of her earlier staged death, each as implausible as the accounts of her life.
The "pseudocide" was his attempt to avoid the inevitable felony conviction.
A faked death, also called a pseudocide, is a case in which an individual leaves evidence to suggest that they are dead to mislead others.
He puts two words together and comes up with pseudocide (Pseudo-, "false."
The first documented case of "pseudocide" at the Golden Gate Bridge was in 1948.
It includes chapters on planning a disappearance, arranging for new identification, finding work, establishing credit, pseudocide (creating the impression you are dead), and more.
Chris J. Christensen "pseudocide"
She had treated child patients who had undergone similar episodes of self-harm and had seen self-mutilation and pseudocide cases before.
The book's slightly supernatural theme, involving a Doppelgänger and pseudocide, stirred some controversy over its interpretation of the Resurrection, but these criticisms served only to draw awareness to the author.
However John Darwin, the canoeist who faked his own death to collect a massive insurance payout, may now be wishing he had never heard of pseudocide as he sits in his prison cell.
Josh commits pseudocide in The Gospel According To Larry and then relocates to Boulder, Colorado and enrolls at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
An example of life insurance fraud is the John Darwin disappearance case, which was an investigation into the act of pseudocide committed by the British former teacher and prison officer John Darwin, who turned up alive in December 2007, five years after he was thought to have died in a canoeing accident.
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