Apparently he always held his cigarette that way because the two fingers were stained brown from the top joint to the tip.
Its white vinyl siding was stained a light brown to a point five feet above the ground.
The water is stained to murky due to sediment.
They are usually a pale bluish white and become stained by the nest to a speckled brown.
What happened when, for a few days, I subjected the cloth stained with our friend's blood to the action of the Powder?
They appear white when young and are stained pinkish to maroon.
Phil looked in at the big statue, still stained to the knees, a sight that made him grimace.
Also, the back section of it was stained at some point with salt water-perhaps from exposure to an ocean voyage.
The great sword he trailed in his right hand was stained to the cross-piece.
I glanced at the Indians, stained to the elbows with the bear's blood, talking casually among themselves.