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Stale news, not yet old enough to be interesting again through hindsight.
I might be dead before the end of this speech; they could at least attend, not interrupt with stale news.
Do I prefer to read fresh news instead of stale news?
He sounded bored, as if all of this was dull and stale news to him.
Is there a sizable audience longing for slightly stale news at 9?
Lacking this, too much of "Trial by Jury" is simply stale news.
It's the ads and side features sell a weekly, not the stale news in the official gazette.
If we vote tomorrow the issue will sink without trace: stale news as far as the press is concerned.
Rearden leaned wearily against the seat: the disaster seemed to be no more than a stale news story read long ago.
In a place as theoretically advanced as New York, having two female candidates should be very stale news.
More than a day after it was written, when it had become stale news, the dispatch was cleared in its original form.
That's stale news.
But it has become evident that the canned heat is fueled by stale news and by analyses that are often amateurish.
If Senator Al Gore of Tennessee were running now, his 1988 disclosure that he had experimented with marijuana would be stale news indeed.
Sulcus had previously restated its books under pressure from the S.E.C., and a company official said today's action was "stale news."
IT may seem like stale news: another riverfront condominium project going up in New Jersey directly west of Manhattan.
Three plays: Procession, Bhoma, Stale news.
Eleven minutes, Sid with stale news: No suspects, fences leaned on--no furs surfacing.
How could I tell Fatima with her large, trusting brown eyes that her war had become stale news and I had to move on?
"What's New at McDonald's" brings the stale news that McDonald's now sells audio CD's and movies at its restaurants.
But on Thursday, a onetime Playboy model and reality-television personality named Anna Nicole Smith died, and People's best intentions paved a path to stale news.
At this point in the draft manuscript my father wrote: Later when captured and Maeglin wished to buy his release with treachery, Morgoth must answer laughing, saying: Stale news will buy nothing.
"Since it's obvious that even here in Altbur Keep the details are commonly known regarding Jasseartion's quarrel with his lamented half-brother Talyvion, I won't bore you with stale news.
I don't mind telling you--it's stale news, I guess--that I cleaned up close to twelve thousand dollars in less than a month, off a working capital of three thoroughbred horses and about sixty dollars cash.
As foreign newspapers were delivered to Moscow via Riga and Wilna, they were frequently outdated and contained stale news, which resulted in the Russian tsar sending letters and embassies to deceased foreign monarchs.