But like many an old saw, this one doesn't always cut deep.
"You know that old saw about not seeing the forest because of the trees?"
If all goes well tonight, everyone will remember the old saw.
Because there's an old saw that says the husband is always the last to know?
It really is that old saw: For kids from 8 to 80.
Not very kind words, but there is more than a little truth in that old saw.
America, goes the old saw, is a nation of immigrants.
He'd not done too well coming up with that old saw.
The old saw is that the military prepares to fight the last war.
The old saw about not fighting the Fed goes both ways.
There's the old adage: On your bad days you can still play well enough to win.
The best defense, the old adage goes, is a good offense.
A. Remember the old adage that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
And why not, for the old adage has always been that nature knows best.
As the old medical adage goes, "The world's best public health policy is winter."
According to an old adage, a trial is a search for truth.
He had always believed the old adage that knowledge was power.
There was an old adage in the theater that the show must go on.
The old adage of "Don't believe everything you read" is still true in the digital age.
So when it came time to shop for a home, he kept in mind the old adage and followed the money.