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The child's eyes were dark pieces of a starless night.
He and his black canopy would not stand out against the starless night.
This black, alien, starless land could never be home to her.
And all this was under a sky that would now be starless forever.
"On a starless night, this place would be pitch dark."
We hung together in the starless night of layer ten.
His eyes burned as he stared up at the starless sky.
The sky was black and starless outside her window.
When night came, the dome faded and disappeared into starless black.
There was only the starless night, always and forever.
The night was dark and starless, unbroken black cloud moving in from the west.
Above, where I would expect to see the bridge, there is only darkness, starless and complete.
He stared up at the starless sky, rain bathing his face.
"Oh, lady of the starless night, Bring us into your shadow.
Hurtling the starless depths, they'd reached a being like himself.
As technology developed and the cities were polluted, the nights became starless.
Now he looked up at the blackness of the starless firmament.
The chamber around them was blacker than a starless sky.
His eyes blinked open and saw only starless, ominous blackness.
Even a fledgling, starless company needs to drop a name to get attention and to pay the bills.
It made me feel as if I were in a lighted glass porch on a starless night.
In the shadows of boats under a starless sky, he was quite blind.
The tunnel itself was as black as a starless night, and seemed to be very long.
The skies were dark and starless, as though obscured by clouds.
The train rattled on through the tunnel, black walls like starless space.