In addition, the new Federal taxes make it harder politically for states to tax those items.
No state may tax or interfere with treaty stipulations already proposed.
At the same time, develop a controlled capitalism to generate profits that the state can tax to build military strength.
As long as the money stays in the account and is ultimately spent on education, the state will not tax it or the investment profits.
But the state would tax doctors 2 percent of their total revenues, and hospitals 4 percent, to help pay for the greater reimbursement.
My understanding was that the states could not tax the flow of goods into their state.
The rapid growth in sales of goods over the Internet raises hard questions about how states might fairly tax those transactions.
Since 1991, the state has taxed natural gas purchases from other states at 4.25 percent.
The state cannot tax the profits of an Indian casino, a fact that has been used to stoke support for the amendment.
The federal government and states may not tax each other's securities.