The prospect of passengers being permitted to use mobile phones on aircraft fills me with dread, surpassing even Gordon Brown's stealth taxes and troublesome infants.
Inflation is the stealthiest stealth tax of all, but you cannot continue robbing savers forever because they only have limited funds.
Chris Huhne's hidden green stealth taxes are about two to three times as great as the increased profit on domestic bills, for which he attacks the energy companies.
This has been due not only to raising "stealth taxes," but also to auctioning off telecommunications licenses.
Under Kenny the party has also strongly opposed the perceived "rip-off" society that has developed in Ireland, advocating reform of stealth taxes and stamp duty.
Businesses have condemned an "appalling" £1bn a year green stealth tax that will add 11pc to the energy bills of British companies.
Conservatives have accused Brown of imposing "stealth taxes".
So let's sideline for a moment the busted economy that he's largely responsible for, and the onslaught of punitive stealth taxes that he's presided over.
"Government and consumer groups will call for price cuts; the utility giants may then plead poverty claiming they have bought long or are the victim of stealth taxes."
If interest rates - or petrol prices, or heating costs, or stealth taxes - go up much more, they're finished.