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And that presence was doling out favors, stingily but with some sense.
An experienced cook knows exactly what stingily means.
However, some birds will also stingily collect other items, especially if the birds are pets.
In her view, travel was a privilege not to be squandered by booking stingily or mechanically.
His broad Slavic mouth opened stingily when he spoke and then slammed shut like a drawer.
A few steps later: "Taste for sweetness and, if you wish, stingily add a little sugar and cinnamon."
Yet advice was doled out stingily.
According to a recent study in the Archives of Dermatology, most people tend to apply sunscreens stingily.
But it remains a flitting and listless thing, and repays attention stingily.
Stingily had several hit records in the 1980s and 1990s as the lead singer of Ten City.
He adjusted them and searched while Zebadiah made a wide sweep, spending altitude stingily.
Your only problem will be choosing, since Barrayaran custom stingily only allows you one husband at a time.
For instance, why should the stretches of lovely but often superfluous countryside in Britain be stingily withheld from crowded peoples?
He fed the flames stingily and crouched near them, drowsing, yearning to sleep and not daring.
When we had quietly traversed many a long and stingily lit dim hall, we came at last upon our mother's grand suite of rooms.
In hailing its generosity to poor children, "American Idol" has drawn some complaints that it has acted a bit stingily.
Madam more or less runs the home, stingily paying off the old rummy who serves as its headmaster (Yuri Itskov).
The world sketched, stingily, by Mr. Brown seems to be a very simple place inhabited by destructive environmental Martians - and little else.
In her last two starts, Personal Ensign has earned that most stingily applied adjective in racing: She is a great filly.
Conan, Juma, and the others slept and woke to receive wooden bowls of rice, stingily shared out by their overseers.
That was Johnson's way of authorizing humanitarian relief for Biafra, and his order was executed in the spirit in which it was given: stingily.
Although one corner was covered in straw, it was scattered so stingily that Sulu could see the plasteel floorboards through it.
Stingily, who left the group and became a successful solo artist, re-recorded the song and brought it back to No. 1 on the US dance chart in 1999.
There are always those who equate comics with the mean and puerile (sometimes with good reason), and thus respect for the literary cartoonist has been more stingily granted.