Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And himself, the most stolid of the three, who nevertheless had his mind on space even then.
She in turn was resting against her mother's stolid back.
In this rather stolid production, everything is played straight, at face value.
Even the stock market in stolid Chile was off 3.01 percent.
The stolid trees, where much had taken place, seemed incredibly near.
He sat like some stolid statue waiting to be asked a question.
But that same quality can sometimes turn his singing stolid, and that's what happened here.
But he has also presented a stolid target at the line too often.
His face, usually so stolid, showed that something disturbed him.
How often can you say that in the stolid world of pro football?
Who right now looked at her with that stolid calm behind which was a great deal of pain.
The shock had been almost too much even for her stolid nerves.
There, Harry was approached by a man with stolid face.
No one else, perhaps, except the stolid soldiers who were holding his arms, was near enough to have heard the question.
Through the years, her face only became squarer and more stolid.
Like most of the islanders, she was stolid and patient.
They seem to offer a stolid resistance to personal invasion.
They were a rather stolid lot, but their stories tallied.
He was a man in his fifties, with a square, stolid face.
The others were stolid, but wore a sense of disapproval.
Strong, stolid Marco needs money to support his impoverished wife and three children at home.
A stolid security man drove the small ground vehicle that evening.
It was a change, however something new in the blank, stolid routine of the days.
The captain gave them menus and stood back, his face stolid.
A stolid white maid in a black uniform opened the door.