He continued: "Why do some people go through red lights, or stop signs?
So many people have been kidnapped or robbed while waiting at red lights and stop signs that many drivers now ignore them.
The group has successfully lobbied for speed bumps near schools and stop signs at certain intersections.
'Only when you run lights and stop signs at such high speeds,' he said.
These are not freeways, having a slow 25-mile per hour speed limit, pedestrian crossings, and stop signs.
The few people who accomplished it were in no mood to stop and study erudite signs.
Most of those same streets also have traffic lights, stop signs and posted speed limits.
There may be speed limits, stop signs and crosswalks for pedestrians in larger parking lots.
They drove through downtown, with his chauffeur still thoroughly ignoring all lights and stop signs.
I learned from her, about organizing people around things they care about, stop signs, trees cut, garbage, cops on the street.