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"This coffee would float a stove lid," Call said one morning.
She lifted the stove lid and laid the box gently among the coals.
In two quick strides Frank reached it, lifted the stove lid, and plunged his hand inside.
One of the stove lids lay in the mud just beyond the sunken obstacle.
Clovis Reed had carried two stove lids and the oven door.
Joseph lifted the stove lid and saw the last coals darkening.
I can remember lifting the stove lid, saying a quick prayer, then dropping my letter into the flames.
Mama disappeared into the cabin and I heard the clatter of stove lids.
There was a basin beside Darcy's bed and a bowl of water steamed on the stove lid.
Anna had turned away and had started fiddling with the stove lids.
A stove lid clashed in the house again.
It was like touching a blazing stove lid.
The cloth she used to handle the stove lid was balled in Sethe's hand.
When the stove lid was lifted, fire shone upward onto Father's curling beard.
She replaced the stove lid and instantly the fire sighed up and breathed over the box.
There were some more bumps, and then a scrape as the stove lid was lifted up and pushed sideways.
He won't have nothing much tenderer than a stove lid to cook around this outfit anyway," Jasper said.
Sethe slammed the stove lid.
"I suppose it is," Silk lifted a stove lid and peered into the firebox; for once a few embers still glowed there.
Remy was cheerfully mashing slices of bread down on the hot stove lid and prying up the resultant toast.
To Martinez's left, Vasily Korolov was his usual phlegmatic self but no longer with a cast-iron stove lid for a face.
The sun, small and red as a copper penny on a hot stove lid, rose this morning over a gently sloping hillside where a giant American farm breakfast was spread.
"May the Good Man Above give us all good health," muttered Judy, as she dashed back into the kitchen and began to rattle the stove lids fiercely.
"If you fool with women you'll get hit by a stove lid, sooner or later, whereas if you live with Mexicans you have to expect beans in your diet."
When they started blazing away at him, Randolphjumped behind a cast-iron stove and, if I recall correctly, used the stove lid as a sort of shield while he returned their fire.