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Finally, the war accounts for the strategic orientation which we discuss in the following chapter.
Different types of design management depend on the type and strategic orientation of the business.
The Executive Committee is responsible for the strategic orientation and day-to-day operation of the school.
If we are to set about using an instrument of this kind, we need a degree of strategic orientation.
The consultancy's strategic orientation aims at the positioning as a special consultant for procurement.
The Council decides on the administration of the Committee and on its strategic orientations.
The strategic orientations are; market focus, product focus and brand focus.
Strategic orientation is the ability to be innovative in connecting long-range visions and concepts to daily work.
This report represents Parliament's position on the Community's strategic orientations for the cohesion policy for 2007-2013.
This phenomenon is also called de-ideologization, which means strategic orientation of campaigning being geared to marketing policies.
Mr Barroso, ladies and gentlemen, we are currently discussing your Commission's strategic orientations.
Depending on the strategic orientation, design management overlaps with other management branches to differing extents:
Political and strategic orientations of the organisation are under the responsibility of the Council of Ministers which meets annually.
Mammalian cell culture fermentation, on the other hand, should be considered only by large fine chemical companies with a full war chest and a long-term strategic orientation.
Its purpose is to coordinate the implementation of Orange's strategic orientations and to oversee the achievement of operational, social, technical and financial resource allocation objectives.
He suspected that many programs in this system would have strategic orientations that could only be expressed in such a way as to manifest an appropriate construct imagery.
Moves in this direction would undoubtedly eventually weaken the noble role of the European Council as an institution that is the driving force behind our major political and strategic orientations.
The International Board meets 3 times per year to define FIDH's political and strategic orientations and to draw up and approve the budget.
He sees the main strategic orientation as uniting the fight of that multi-national proletariat with the revolutionary struggle of oppressed nationalities, African-Americans and Chicanos in particular.
The FLO Board is primarily responsible for the strategic orientations of the organization, its financial and risk management, and relations with the organization's Chief Executive Officer.
They demand "... a strategic orientation toward the paradigm of what lives" (Potsdam Manifesto & Potsdam Denkschrift).
- Mr President, President of the Commission, when it comes to setting out strategic orientations, it is best to speak clearly so that we can better express our aims.
While we need some time to collectively reflect on the right strategic orientations for the future of the international process, we should not lower our ambition regarding commitments already made by the European Union.
The OECD's Centre for Co-operation with Non-Members develops and oversees the strategic orientations of the relations with non-members.
The Policy Board of the UN-REDD Programme convenes twice a year to decide on the strategic orientations and budget allocations of the Programme.