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In Greece, early examples of dried "straw wines" were noted for their ability to age due to their high sugar contents.
French for "straw wine", a dried grape wine.
Vin de paille is a straw wine, made from dried grapes.
Straw wine in the Czech Republic is typically made from white grapes that are well-ripened and undamaged.
Vin de paille or Straw Wine is also produced in this region.
In addition to producing still wines, Verdicchio grapes are also used to make sparkling wine and straw wine.
Straw wine, or raisin wine, is a wine made from grapes that have been dried to concentrate their juice.
The wines are typically produced as straw wines with the grapes being partially dried prior to pressing and fermentation.
A German word for "straw wine", same as the French term vin de paille.
"We drink can [straw wine].
A method of straw wine production that involves drying bunches of grapes in a special room in order to dehydrate them and concentrate flavors.
Straw wines are typically sweet to very sweet white wines, similar in density and sweetness to Sauternes and capable of long life.
Vin de Paille is the French for 'straw wine', made only in the ripest vintages.
Barcelo Winery produces an apparently well-known straw wine known as Caballo Blanco.
Potomac Point Winery, also in Virginia, produces a straw wine based on the Petit Manseng grape.
In the Veneto, Corvina is often confused with Corvinone, a red grape usually used in the production of straw wines.
In the Trentino region, a dried straw wine made from the Nosiola grape is popularly labeled as Vino Santo.
White wines are made in this area from a Pinot gris clone known as Malvoisie including a sweet passito straw wine.
The modern Italian name for these wines, passito, echoes this ancient word, as does the French word used to describe the process of producing straw wines, passerillage.
Although Marsanne is mostly made into a dry wine, some producers in the Rhône have also experimented with making a dessert-style straw wine with Marsanne.
To further concentrate the sugars, after harvest the grapes are laid out on straw mats or hung in well ventilated drying rooms to produce the straw wine style known as passito.
A number of wineries produce straw wine, known in Spanish as vino de pasas, including Bodegas Oliveros and Bodegas Gonzalez Palacios.
Barboursville Vineyards in Virginia produces a straw wine in the Italian passito style, based on Moscato Ottonel and Vidal grapes.
During the raisining process of grapes, such as in the production of straw wine, the Maillard reaction process play a vital role in concentrating the flavors of the grapes.
The wines may also be described as straw wines since they are often produced by drying the freshly harvested grapes on straw mats in a warm and well ventilated area of the house.