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This opens the strawlike channels in the stems so they can take up water more quickly.
He nodded, then brought out a thin strawlike tube with a bulb on one end.
It moves up the tree through a strawlike system called the xylem.
Some producers use the stalks, too, but they can add an off-putting strawlike flavor.
The dry, strawlike hair grew and curled, brown and soft.
All that wild hair spread thin, strawlike, limp on the crushed pillows.
At this time of year, the stems have stiffened, to the point of being rather strawlike.
Whirled strawlike in the wind, the crook's remains were carried clear of the lower walls.
When he blew into the breathalyzer’s strawlike tube, the readout was 0.18, more than twice the legal limit.
He had to pull on the strawlike tube until it straightened and dripped a golden liquid.
The floor was covered with a local strawlike grass, and on it a female lay on her side, looking up at the newcomer.
Their eyes were hollow and set deep, their hair lifeless and strawlike.
The only sounds were the crickets in the high grass beside the driveway and the low, strawlike whack!
Bobby tried to yell, but no yell came out - all he could produce was a strawlike whisper.
He climbed up the grassy slope, crunching through strawlike growth burnt by the dry season's sun.
She looked over at the bales of strawlike material at the far side of the cabin.
The attacker uses a homemade dart wrapped in paper and blown through a strawlike device.
Furwyl looked at the wood, taking in the strawlike parallel tubes in the fragment.
He sat idly against the strawlike matting of the hut wall and reached for a native fruit in a nearby bowl.
"He had strawlike hair and scruffy clothes.
Coping with coarse, strawlike hair that rivals Raggedy Ann’s mop top?
In the earlier visible stages, the tree loses its healthy greenish color, and within months it turns strawlike or reddish brown, she said.
Leni pushed back a strand of her strawlike hair, skewed her pale blue eyes, thinking about it.
Instead of velvety greenswards, suburban lawns are for the most part crunchy strawlike mats.
From the menu fried zucchini, crisp strawlike wisps, made a terrific and inexpensive ($4.50) opener.
Straw-like feathers on the neck of adults give the bird its common name.
It's light with a straw-like colour and a hint of cherry on the tongue.
The mushroom compost might look a bit straw-like at first, but the plants soon grow together over it.
Your urine should be a light yellow, straw-like colour.
The essential oil from Blue Mountain sage is straw-like in color.
They are green with a purple, but can be stramineous (straw-like) when dry.
His skin was very pale and his hair had gone straw-like," she said.
They use their straw-like mouthparts to inject enzymes into plants.
She manages to set fire to the junk's sails, which burn quickly as they are made of straw-like material.
Compressed air is passed through special straw-like fibres.
Adults have distinctive straw-like feathers on their neck.
It's not cheap, but it really can transform straw-like locks into silky tresses in a matter of minutes.
Her face had a lusterless, straw-like quality.
Named for the stiff, straw-like lower neck feathers of the adults, this Ibis species grows up to 70cm in length.
It was charged with black powder (gunpowder) and fired using a straw-like fuse called a squib'.
The .5 inch leaves are a bright glossy green which give off a faint straw-like aroma when crushed.
Still, even constituents not inured to spamming could have noted that the phrasing of the email didn't sound particularly Straw-like.
Two of them even hold hands as they pass the abandoned tyres and cider bottles that infest the dry, straw-like undergrowth.
Stock had to be the big one - the Hung Mao with the slight squint and the tufted, straw-like hair.
She managed to smile at a small black boy who was waving them off with a big heart-shaped fan made of some woven dried straw-like stuff.
True dandelions have a ground-level rosette of deep-toothed leaves and hollow straw-like stems.
Normally, when a hungry fly is presented with sugar water, it extends its proboscis, a straw-like snout, to feed.
Instead of shooting bullets, however, it punctures the air passage with a sharp, steel tip and inserts a straw-like tube.
Three of them identified Mr. Wright as the person who fired needles weighted with paper at women through a straw-like device.
As demonstrated in a video from, both users hunker down in front of their respective devices, each with a straw-like contraption on the end.
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