Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Many other companies, while not going so far, are streamlining.
There was too much going on inside her head, and she needed to streamline.
So we are going to cut costs and streamline government.
"Streamlining decision making is probably a good way to put it."
I would also like to hear from the Commission on how we can streamline the system.
In addition, the company said, it will streamline its research and development programs.
"We want to continue to streamline the business," he said.
"They were streamlining the whole operation into a campaign force."
Of course, they have already done much to streamline operations since 2000.
We learned enough during her construction to be able to streamline the process, though.
The others were sold recently and further streamlining is expected.
Anything that streamlines the process has to be a plus.
As you've heard, I've taken measures to streamline the process.
They offer the possibility of streamlining the service to the public.
"You can imagine people trying to streamline things," he said.
"The problems of public television in the year 1994 are such that it's time to think about streamlining," he said.
Now, freed by their American act, they seem ready to streamline the first two.
He said the move would streamline government and make it more responsive.
Thus we had to streamline the system and make it more efficient.
Streamlining the process apparently would not put the public health at greater risk.
Standards developed by the center are expected to help streamline this process.
"Streamlining should be associated with certain areas that are prime for development."
One of Johnson's first moves was to streamline company management.
The President's effort to streamline his staff and make it more efficient is no big thing.
Over the years, little was done to streamline production or attend to quality control.