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You said that we must decide between policy and financial stringency.
Everyone there is bound by the stringency of the situation.
I believe it is far too expensive at a time of financial stringency.
However, the stringency of the measures depends on local officials.
"This has been a year of great stringency for charities."
But also, the need for greater stringency in the service of the Goddess.
Only stringency and quality teaching can make Europe more competitive.
We will support you in uniting policy and financial stringency.
All the stringency of life at Carson was meant to lead them to a place like this.
The financial stringency of 1893 had brought everything to a standstill.
Thus, we recommend greater stringency when the economic climate is good.
An additional difficulty is the current stringency of environmental legislation.
It is thought that this competition provides a certain level of stringency or quality control to the system.
Due to the debts of his father the family entered into financial stringency.
Nevertheless, the period was one of economic stagnation and financial stringency.
This approach is part of the Member States' efforts at stringency.
This, however, does not explain all of his stringencies.
Stringency is one thing, and a starvation diet quite another."
Nonetheless, defense and international programs have not escaped the effects of fiscal stringency.
You are right on one point: Parliament itself was probably not prepared to make the link between policy and financial stringency.
However, because of fiscal stringency no landing craft was built for some years.
In addition, 235,000 workers were recorded as going to work for governments at a time of widespread budget stringency.
But the local government went bankrupt in 2001, and financial stringency is putting pressure on the city's arts organizations.
But the issue of how to pay for it, through taxes, borrowing or stringency elsewhere, will be harder.