Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Figure 3 shows structure contours on the slide surface.
There we would get more months of valuable training while we worked our data into a set of structure contour maps.
Quantitative approaches to deducing fold geometries from map-patterns, using structure contours.
On the basis of his preliminary structure contour maps Dr. Lewis had gotten permission to close out the field phase.
Once the material has been indexed it can be readily transposed to a computer system for rapid printout of isopachous, structure contour and facies maps.
Typically include cross sections, columnar sections, structure contours, correlation diagrams, and information on wells drilled for oil and gas.
Pre-Cretaceous aquifers have salinity trends parallel to the structure contours, and show higher salinity with increased depth, hence increased temperature.
Coal resources of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania-Part 1, Coal crop lines, mined-out areas, and structure contours.
Cretaceous aquifers below the Harmon-Joli Fou aquitard show salinity trends unrelated to structure contours and possibly more related to surface topography.
Regional geology was synthesized in terms of definable stratigraphic successions, and individual, lithologically distinct stratigraphic units were characterized by structure contour and isopach maps.
Drill cores and geophysical logs are used to correlate lithostratigraphic units and to construct structure contour maps and isopach maps of gas-bearing strata.
Mapping sedimentary rocks: structure contours, three point problems; Mapping igneous rocks/preparation for Caulfeild Park exercise Ch. 7,12, App.
Coal Investigations (COAL/C-) Map: Origin, character, and resource potential of coal deposits shown by geologic maps, structure contours, cross sections, columnar sections, and measured coal sections, where appropriate.