Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Ken sat staring down at his open first grade book.
Looking at the grade book upside down, I could see he had the student's last name and first initial.
The student's grade book contains an overall record of their high school activity, including voluntary work.
Graham looked down at my project and said, "Here let me record this in my grade book."
He looked again at the open grade book.
Many of the students' backpacks and teachers' grade books are locked inside Columbine.
Snider wrote he had "the grade book" for the class which proved she was not telling the truth.
The results are also available for later analysis, grading, and exporting to any grade book software or course management system.
He reached into a desk drawer and pulled a yellow cardboard-covered grade book.
He opened a grade book and scanned it.
An electronic grade book is a teacher's online record of their students' lessons, assignments, progress and grades.
I still have all my grade books and seating charts since I started."
I can check through my grade books, but I don't recall him."
Some features (such as grade book, live chat, student information, and the integration into a larger network of users) are not implemented.
The grade book won't tell me anything.
She lowered the grade book and called out, "Yolanda Aguilar."
Some electronic grade books make grades, homework and student schedules available online to parents and students.
Chris Scott, age 10, jumped up and down chanting, "I hope the grade book burned."
This has shown that there is a demand for graded books as consistently these books have set sales records.
Walden Pond Press publishes a small, targeted list of middle grade book titles every year.
I've got my grade book up there."
"Modesto Diaz," Brynn called out, looking at the youth above the grade book.
In the teacher's grade books he was Fluck, But.
Grade Book: Teachers and professors may post grades on Blackboard for students to view.
If you are convinced that the test produced a faulty measurement, then you should not slavishly enter its result in your grade book.