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He is also interested in Indian media studies and development studies.
Further studies and development in this area is obviously required, as this is a very rapid social change to Koreans and their society.
Historically wood gas generators were often mounted on vehicles, but present studies and developments concentrate mostly on stationary plants.
English Heritage is currently (May 2011) reviewing the criteria in the light of recent battlefield studies and developments in battlefield archaeology.
Fundamental studies and development of nanocrystalline thin-film semiconductors, devices and circuits for electronics and spintronics.
She has taught English Studies, Writing, Comparative Literature and Gender from the perspectives of cultural studies and development at universities in several continents.
At the start of the 21st century, the Sophia Centre for Women's Studies and Development and Sophia Andersson Annexe was inaugurated.
The university's oil shale experts undertake oil shale evaluation, consulting, and reviewing work for pre-feasibility and feasibility studies and development projects for domestic and foreign countries.
After his retirement from BYU Wilkins became the Managing Director of the Doha International Institute for Family Studies and Development.
An article written by a developer on the Windows 95 UI team, detailing the usability studies and development processes that led to the creation of the Windows 95 interface.
The Excelling Musicians Program in the IDF, which allows young musicians to continue their studies and development during their military service, was established in 1985 together with the Jerusalem Music Centre.
To Michael Peter Smith, a professor of community studies and development at the University of California at Davis, swap meets like the one in Hanford represent "a new kind of public space, a grass-roots form of urban revitalization."
After 3 years of studies and developments, the SBTVD Forum announced the selection of Japanese ISDB-T system as a baseline for the SBTVD system, enhanced by some new technologies:
Many exciting frontiers expect to be confronted with the continuation of Western Shield, including the desert regions, further studies and developments, the creation of effective cat bait, biological invasive species control, and the increase in numbers of endangered species, returning WA, to the biodiverse haven it was prior to European settlement.