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The quiet, peaceful atmosphere is reinforced by the subdued colour scheme, and the muted lighting.
A couple of very good oriental rugs were pools of subdued colour on the polished wood floor.
Any jumper, round-neck or V-neck can be worn as long as it is a suitably subdued colour with no logos.
The video is shot in black and white, and in the last 45 seconds is infused with gold highlights and then progresses to full subdued colour.
Perennials like linarias bring a subdued colour to the narrow border and a yellow jasmine around the door will give a warm welcome in the colourless winter period.
Karl Isaksson and Edvard Weie were among the first to paint the island's constantly changing natural beauty, using pure, subdued colour to produce work in new aesthetic directions.
On 16 January 1974 he was posted again to East Germany as Ambassador, where despite requesting a subdued colour for his official car he was given one that was bright red.
This has 25 large miniatures (215 x 258 mm) and 65 smaller ones, ranging in style from brilliantly-coloured battle-scenes to some in an innovative near-grisaille style, with just touches of subdued colour.
Subdued colours are an important part of the romantic look.
The bedroom was small, with a more subdued color scheme.
Some companies have ordered employees to dress in subdued colors.
However, at the same time he liked subdued colours, mist and moonlight.
Women are expected to be dressed in subdued colors.
Whether inherent in the image or applied by hand, subdued color adds emotional impact to several photographers' work.
It was black and had a tiny flowered print pattern in subdued colors.
Colours do not have to reflect nature either, although subdued colours will show off most fish better.
More subdued colors began being used when an art marketer suggested the paintings would sell better that way.
Guests are expected to bring loose-fitting clothes in subdued colors and white socks.
More subdued color and natural wood surfaces replace the vibrant colors of the previous decade.
These tartans tend to be made up of subdued colours, such as dark blues and greens.
They painted in mostly in subdued colors, with a penchant for gray.
One item is a 19th-century woman's bonnet that originally would have been made out of fabric of a single subdued color.
The quiet, peaceful atmosphere is reinforced by the subdued colour scheme, and the muted lighting.
A subdued color was not something that was de rigueur in campus clothing, apparently.
Their high speeds would make them difficult to see, particularly since the planes were painted subdued colors that blended into the jungle background.
Men's kimonos are usually one basic shape and are mainly worn in subdued colors.
Analysts attributed the company's problems to overly subdued colors in Hilfiger's women's line .
A couple of very good oriental rugs were pools of subdued colour on the polished wood floor.
An age at which he must recognize that more subdued colors become the-" "An age?
Sunset was a thing of subdued colors, muted under a pall of gray clouds.
The featureless walls' subdued color, draining Calico's tattoos to shades of gray.
Notice the care they've taken with their clothing, the proper European cuts, the subdued colors as befits distinguished academics.
As a reaction, simpler and more delicate Neoclassical designs started to appear with more subdued colours.