Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Over the years our subscription renewal rate has been falling off.
Our subscription renewal rate is 78 percent and this is only May.
Because Mirabella is so new, it has not yet had a good test of subscription renewals.
I have an inviolable rule never to ask for a subscription renewal."
The New Yorker had a subscription renewal mail-order program some years ago.
Upon subscription renewal, a new passcode was provided and similarly entered into the receiver.
Some Metropolitan Opera subscribers saw red when they received their subscription renewal notices last week.
In the last three years, its newsstand sales have increased 94 percent while the average subscription renewal price has risen 35 percent.
But subscriptions renewals are down, she added.
As for next season, Mr. Springer says subscription renewals went out this week.
"One of the biggest costs in the magazine business is subscription renewal," Mr. Kelly noted.
The evaluators get subscription renewals in return.
But Mr. Reilly said he was pleased that subscription renewals were up 5 percent from last year.
Mr. Stockham, for one, said that people tend not to drop out, and he pointed as proof to his site's 70 percent subscription renewal rate.
These range from providing online help, to conducting online subscription renewals, to selling upgrades. uses automatic subscription renewal.
The tie-in to the American Express card would also be a boon in terms of automatic subscription renewals.
Among the reasons for selective edit are to strengthen circulation, increase subscription renewals and cut down on the expense of attracting new readers.
The caller stressed that the letters would then stop, and that there would be no requests for subscription renewals.
Due to an aggressive subscription renewal campaign, the hall was three-quarters full for the new season's first two concerts, on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1.
Creative Cloud has been criticized for troubles with subscription renewal and for broken file syncing, one of its core features.
And subscription renewal forms for magazines come to readers six months in advance - with the result that absent-minded householders wind up subscribing twice.
Willy Bruijns, director of marketing, asserted that subscription renewal rates were running at 70 to 72 percent, well above the industry average of 60 percent.
The Atlantic Monthly, for one, has increased the number of subscription renewals and newsstand and ad sales, but is still losing money.
Subscription renewals, the best barometer of how longtime readers feel about the new New Yorker, are at 71.8 percent, strikingly high for a magazine.