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What kind of people have we become that we should deny them these subsistent comforts?
The agriculture was essentially subsistent, with any available surplus being marketed in Kingston.
They mainly farm seasonal crops, raise livestock, and most are subsistent farmers.
The subsistent farmers are dependant on the June - August rains to grow their crops.
Two floors below them, their reflected images knelt in the fishpond at Thelxiepeia's feet, subsistent but invisible.
They are mostly subsistent farmers.
As commercial fertilizer is not widespread or not often used in Dehana, the subsistent farmers use crop rotation to get better yields.
This transitional climatic and vegetation zones have endowed the people with so many subsistent and cash crops.
The Embu are cash crop and subsistent farmers who also rear cows, goats and sheep.
For, he devised the notion of three subsistent entities and three persons - father, son, and holy spirit."
Its territory is also improving, from subsistent level to wider waters following the expansion of motorised fishing technology [8].
Perhaps the subsistent strategy of the highland villagers was to supplement their diets of nuts, fruits and grasses with pigs until cereal production was adopted.
As Thomas Aquinas put it, "the humane nature" of Christ was created and began in time, where "the subsistent subject" is both uncreated and eternal.
The natives are ill equipped to comprehend this, since they're a subsistent people who rely on the forests, and have no cultural precedent for tyranny, slavery, or war.
The women of Ethiopia are often relegated to subsistent, subservient lives, raising children, herding cattle, working in the fields of grain, walking long distances to fetch water.
Furthermore, since the rational soul of human beings was a subsistent form and not something made up of matter and form, it could not be destroyed in any natural process.
"Valentinus, the leader of a sect, was the first to devise the notion of three subsistent entities (hypostases), in a work that he entitled On the Three Natures.
The human soul straddles the spiritual and material worlds, and is both a configured subsistent form as well as a configurer of matter into that of a living, bodily human.
Consequently, upon the decline of subsistent importance, Taiwan's agriculture now relies heavily on the marketing and exportation of specialty crops, such as banana, guava, lychee, bell fruit, and high-mountain tea.
The most remarkable adaptation is probably that of Aquinas, who distinguished the spiritual world with its subsistent forms (formae separatae) from the material with its inherent forms which exist only in combination with matter.
Boethius wrote a commentary on the Isagoge by Porphyry, which highlighted the existence of the problem of universals: whether these concepts are subsistent entities which would exist whether anyone thought of them, or whether they only exist as ideas.
At the beginning of the game, the craft is bombed by a group of fanatical terrorists known as the Malthusians-named after political economist Thomas Malthus who predicted that population growth would one day outpace agricultural production, returning society to a subsistent level of existence.