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Some cities have a suicide prevention center and if you are desperate and need help, call them.
For this reason, suicide prevention centers have telephone "hotline" services.
Counselors at many suicide prevention centers agree with Dr. Phillips.
He helped found the suicide prevention center along with Robert E. Litman.
Changes in ideas of medical care led to the end of the national project and decreases in funds for suicide prevention centers.
Mr. Konkov, who works at a suicide prevention center in Moscow, said many of the survivors might go into deep depression.
Yukiko Nishihara (suicide prevention center founder)
Just as Beijing prepares to open its first government-sponsored suicide prevention center, a new study about suicide in China paints a grim picture of a large and unaddressed public health problem.
In 1966 Shneidman began working as chief of a national project at the NIH to establish suicide prevention centers, and increased their number from a few to 100 in 40 states in three years.
The wave prompted staff at Tokyo's suicide prevention center to set up a special hot line during "Golden Week", as they received an increase in calls from people wanting to kill themselves during the annual May holiday.