For baseball fans, the relationship with their home-team radio broadcasters is more than just a summer fling.
Ignoring her advice, Scarlett embarks on a summer fling with Michael.
Ann enjoys his company very much, but still views their relationship as a summer fling.
But she's the one who gives in to the temptation for a summer fling.
He smiles, as he said, he's been waiting for her to grow up, and get over her summer fling.
After all, it's only a summer fling.
And for those looking for a last summer fling with the great outdoors, this weekend is filled with events at the city's parks.
Then again, it might just be the network equivalent of a summer fling.
A world-and-folk fusion that will last rather a sweaty summer fling.
But after a summer fling with Hunter ended abruptly, Scarlett was left feeling more alone and confused than ever.