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In supersensible perception, the ordinary power of Memory is eliminated.
When people do eurythmy they are linked directly with the supersensible world.
And both from the life of the spirit, in which human thought is brought into relation with the supersensible, divine system of things.
But this self-consciousness would be left without any supersensible environment if the above form of meditation were unaccompanied by another.
For either of these aberrations, a proper publication of supersensible knowledge is the only remedy.
But we are exploring the supersensible worlds.
So it is with many children, who are able to 'see' into the supersensible, elemental world, the realm of 'faery'.
Whenever art is formed from a truly artistic conviction it bears witness to the connection of the human being with the supersensible world.
It was therefore possible to use the word 'to see' as Plato did, because in his day it covered both sensible and supersensible perception.
This would not have been possible if large numbers of human beings had always had before them revelations of supersensible worlds.
Nevertheless, they are understandable by a comprehensible thinking, and may be consciously perceptible through a direct supersensible observation.
For him who would penetrate with full conscious clarity of understanding into the supersensible domain, the two experiences above described are, however, preparatory stages.
And the conscious experience in this element of Will expands into the experience of a supersensible external world.
Ultimately, it is this "supersensible substrate," underlying both nature and thought, on which true sublimity is located.
Everything that is true of the supersensible sphere we may expect to come to expression in some form in the world of sense-perception.
In conscious supersensible experience, its place is taken by a power of Love made spiritual, which is to say, a power of perception.
For Calvin and others, 'ordination' did not point to incorporation of a person into a supersensible sacramental reality, but 'good order.'
But the thinking activity, contained in and co-operating with it, is a purely supersensible element in which the bodily organism has no share.
So in summary, for Coleridge, Bacon's system is properly one that derives from and depends on the supersensible realm.
Simultaneously, one's ability to subsequently identify such an event as singular and whole indicates the superiority of one's cognitive, supersensible powers.
As long as Plato's philosophy continued to shape their thought, men went on speaking more or less traditionally of Ideas as real supersensible beings.
Only by realizing this essence of the supersensible faculty of knowledge, does one become able to understand the real meaning of man's knowledge of Nature.
Similarly we can think the thought 'truth' in different ways and build up but the essence of 'truth', or 'love' is a being - a supersensible being.
Can Supersensible Facts Be Proven?
He never penetrates into the region where with his own supersensible being he is rooted in a supersensible world.