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This connection had been built for the supply of materials during construction and not used since.
We are gaining weight once more, but the supply of materials is diminishing.
The supplying of materials for war will be made a patriotic duty; not a business enterprise.
Still, for all the resources Castro provides, the system founders from an unreliable supply of materials.
Plan the supply of materials, parts, components etc.
It was also involved in the supply of materials and stores for the Australian and British ground forces.
Builders require supplies of materials and labor.
Under this set of theories, the solution to stagflation is to restore the supply of materials.
The supply of materials was made by a 36 km cable car that reached the port of Navia.
FNS will reprint materials with the new name when current supplies of materials run out.
Supplies of materials and spare parts were restricted, owing to the difficulty of importing them.
The reconstruction activities were also affected due irregular supplies of materials needed due to lack of road.
At the same time, oil costs were skyrocketing, and hurricanes were hitting Florida, affecting the cost and the supply of materials.
Shortages of rubber tread can halt production and so keeping an adequate supply of materials increases efficiency.
The Air Ministry was concerned that if there was a war, the restricted supply of materials might affect construction of bombers.
The completion of the bridge was delayed considerably due to floods, slips, and the consequent delay in the supply of materials.
Slight had problems with bad weather, the supply of materials and equipment, unrest and lack of discipline among his workers, disease and living conditions.
France's defeat meant that Britain and other allies would look to the U.S. for large supplies of materials for the war.
Covering the supply of materials and equipment and even made it possible to divert from other types the necessary parts, equipment, materials and manufacturing resources.
This was partly as a result of the First World War, which restricted the supply of materials and thus meant extensions to the network were not possible.
Much of this would come from junk yards due to the limited supply of materials as a result of WWII.
Africa is in a state of barbarism; and no power in Europe hath either such an extent of coast, or such an internal supply of materials.
Tyres under a certain size and shredded tyre material are banned from landfill, so there is likely to be a regular supply of materials from reprocessed tyres.
I also would not want to have my home requirements defined by a body that was financially likely to profit from any installation work, or manufacture or supply of materials.
In 1941 Rex Battarbee founded the Aranda Art Group, which controlled the supply of materials and helped handle the business affairs of the emerging artists.
However, as materials supplies improved in the mid-1950s, the Boards increased their expenditure on standardisation.
Soviet raw materials supplies had helped convince German generals, who previously had refused to even discuss a Soviet invasion, to go along with Hitler's plans.