Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Several were done in the name of God or love supposedly.
They supposedly could even live a while in space without life support.
He supposedly died on May 29, 1453, but his body was never found.
He supposedly spent the next 6 and a half years on the road.
You've supposedly got another Nexus-6 model running around the city.
Now he is supposedly going to show up when the team has the day off.
As the members of a supposedly democratic government, we lost both ways.
Supposedly it should hit the market by the end of the year.
By chance she shows him a photo from her supposedly dead father.
That is where he supposedly died and came back to life.
He supposedly could do this about 90 percent of the time.
That one supposedly dead woman should come back to life, well and good.
It supposedly had 10,000 members and held its first national Congress in 1961.
The one who would help has been taken to the country, and is held there, supposedly to give him the best of care.
Not bad for a guy who supposedly has no speed.
So here are some of the companies that supposedly do it right.
You know and supposedly it should be worth a lot.
For someone who's supposedly gone, he's getting a lot of press.
The new rules would then supposedly go into effect with the single market in 1993.
The other lived until 1904, when he was killed supposedly by his own wife.
On May 3, 2006 he supposedly died of a heart attack.
The church is supposedly built on the site of his house.
That supposedly allowed everyone else to get on with the work.
Why did one of them look like a man who had supposedly been dead for over two hundred years?
It supposedly had a design life of 20 years, but has already been up for more than 50.